After Christmas I seemed to get into a knitting mood. I have completed almost all of the projects that I had planned for my Sister's new baby boy. (he is due in April) I have also completed a pair of socks for a friend to give, an edging for a shawl, a hat for a friend and a purse for a little girl's birthday. The friend liked the hat and the girl was extatic with the purse. She likes little things (pads of paper, pens, Polly Pockets, cute little things you can put in a purse). I have many things planned for the coming months and hopefully I will have time to complete them. I am sorry not to post pictures of the things I have made for my Nephew but my sister looks at this blog and I don't want her to see them yet. (So Sorry Sis)

Some of the things I have planned for the coming year will stretch me as a knitter. I want to do several lace shawls, some socks for myself, two fair isle shawls, and a sweater. Some of these are for me and some are for others. I also have planned a sweater for a friend's baby. This is number two and will be a girl so I have let myself go wild looking at frilly, lacy cardigan patterns for the baby.
I learned something with the edging for the shawl. Good thing it was for me. I learned to add more rows of knitting than there are stitches in the shawl sides. If you don't then you end up with a bunched effect that even blocking can't remove. Oh Well, back to the old drawing board. One of these days I will go back take it all out and do it right. Until then I will just have to Grin and Bear it.